Announcement: ArcDR3 Exhibition & Japan Global Forum
January 27 – April 02, 2023 @ Daily 11:00am – 7:00pm
Exhibition – Designing With Disaster: Stories from Seven Regenerative Cities
Visit: JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles
Free Admission
The exhibition opening and symposium – hosted by the JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles – will present the topic of “Regenerative Urbanism,” an anticipatory and combinatory approach to urban design that demonstrates the possibility of symbioses between humans and the natural and constructed worlds courageously embracing inevitable disaster cycles. The exhibition and coordinated symposium are the culmination of three years of speculative design and research by the participants of ArcDR3. (The exhibition, under the name Living with Disaster: Stories from Seven Regenerative Cities, was previously exhibited in Tokyo, Japan in April 2022.)
Click here to watch the exhibition overview.
The exhibition presents a powerful and optimistic array of innovative urban designs focused on withstanding natural- and human-instigated disasters while simultaneously responding to the multiple hazards of climate change. Importantly, the proposals are not reactionary or defensive planning strategies; rather, they courageously embrace inevitable disaster cycles through anticipatory techniques, and they demonstrate the possibility of new symbioses between humans and the natural and constructed worlds. In doing so, each proposal forms a part of a globally scaled mosaic of Regenerative Urbanism, framing renewed possibilities for ecological and sociological ethics to ensure that we not only survive, but thrive both with and despite threats of disaster.
Eight wells will provide visitors with an immersive physical, video, and audio experience of the stories of Tohoku and the Seven Regenerative Cities. The visitor’s experience will traverse imagery, data and urban proposals to explore possible scenarios of living with disasters, while examining a global perspective on the future of urban environments.
Japan Global Forum – Designing With Disaster: Stories from Seven Regenerative Cities
Watch Live: Links coming soon …
The Terasaki Center’s annual Global Japan Forum brings together renowned experts in various fields to analyze and discuss key issues facing Japan today in a global context. It aims to create an interdisciplinary and transnational platform in which to engage Japan from new and innovative perspectives and to connect the world of academic scholarship to the broader community.
In conjunction with the upcoming Japan House exhibit Designing with Disaster – Stories from Seven Cities, planned by ArcDR3 , this year’s forum invites renowned architects, academics, and environmental researchers from both Los Angeles and abroad to discuss the lessons learned from past environmental disasters and how to create disaster-resilient environments to safeguard our futures.
The first session, Disasters Around the World, features three experts in disaster research and will center on discussions about various disasters that affect Japan, the US, and South America, and explore ways we have historically adapted to disaster risks and responded to disaster situations. The second session, Designing the Future, will move the focus away from the past and introduce two renowned architects to address important questions about how we can design living environments that proactively plan for inevitable environmental disasters.
By exploring these topics in an open and dynamic series of dialogues, we hope to share a forward-
thinking approach to disaster management and highlight the work that is currently being done to
ensure a safe future for us all.