Yasuaki Onoda

Tohoku University
Department of Architecture and Building Science

Yasuaki Onoda would be the most noted architectural planner in recent Japan. He became recognized in the field after his contribution to a masterpiece of contemporary architecture, Sendai Mediatheque by Toyo Ito in 2001. In 2003, he received AIJ(Architectural Institution of Japan) prize, which is a prestigious prize in the field of architecture in Japan, for Reihoku Community Hall Project with Hitoshi Abe. Since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, he has been playing an important role as an organizer for reconstruction projects in disaster affected areas and contributed to realize some good architecture in a severe front line of reconstruction from the disaster, being part of Archiaid and received some important design awards. In Oct. 2018, Chinese version of his AIJ award book, “Pre-Design Thinking of Architecture” published by Wu-Nan Book Inc., Taipei. As chairman of the Architectural Planning Committee of the Architectural Institute of Japan, he is working to improve the architect selection in Japan and to promote pre-design as a bridge between architectural planning research and practice.